188K Saunawater

188K Saunawater, named in honor of Finland's 188 000 pristine lakes. More than 70% of the country is covered in forests, creating an environment that produces high-quality, clean and rejuvenating spring water dating back to the Ice Age.

188K Saunawater

188K Saunawater, named in honor of Finland's 188 000 pristine lakes. More than 70% of the country is covered in forests, creating an environment that produces high-quality, clean and rejuvenating spring water dating back to the Ice Age.

188K products


188K Saunawater 750ml


188K Spring water 330ml


188K Spring water 500ml

188K Saunawater for Löyly


188K Saunawater 750ml

The average volume of a private sauna is 8m3. This allows for approximately 6m3 of "löyly" or steam to be mixed in the sauna air, ensuring an optimal and enjoyable sauna experience. However, applying an excessive amount of water to the sauna heater, resulting in an excess of steam in the sauna, can lead to an unpleasantly hot sauna experience.

Typically, sauna ladles have a volume of 2-3 dl (0.845-1.27 cups), which can result in an excess of water being applied to the heater. We recommend using 1.5 dl (0.635 cup) of 188K Saunawater each time you make steam in your sauna. This provides five unforgettable and enjoyable "löyly" or sauna steams with one bottle of 188K Saunawater.

188K Saunawater for Jano

188k Spring water 330ml

During the sauna, a 330ml bottle of 188K Saunawater for Jano, which contains a balanced mineral composition including calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, helps to maintain hydration and support muscle function. This prevents cramps and fatigue, which can result from the loss of electrolytes through sweat.


188K Spring water 0.33l


188K Spring water 500ml

188k Spring water 500ml

After the sauna, a 500ml bottle of 188K Saunawater for Jano aids in recovery by replenishing essential minerals, restoring fluid balance, and promoting muscle relaxation. With a low TDS and a gentle pH of 6.6, it ensures smooth digestion and effective rehydration, enhancing the sauna experience from start to finish.

Water characteristics
Ingredient & Amounts

Calcium (Ca)
Sodium (Na)
Potassium (K)
Magnesium (Mg)
Mangase (Mn)
Aluminium (Al)
less than 0.01mg/l
Iron (Fe)
less than 0.01mg/l
Chlorides (Cl)
Sulphates (SO4)
Nitrates (NO3)
Fluorides (F)
less than 0.1mg/l
Dry residue (180ºC)