The Story of 188K Saunawater

The Story of 188K Saunawater

The story of 188K Sauna Water is unique. In 2010, while staying in a summer cabin on a small island in the Finnish Archipelago, something strange happened while making löyly, or steam, in the summer cabins' sauna.

The owners of the summer cabins had brought in drinking water from the mainland just to make the steam for the sauna. To understand this, you should know that while most summer cabins in Finland have electricity, only some of them have running water. This is how things are done in Finland. It helps us stay connected to nature. In this particular summer cabin, the well water was only used for washing dishes by hand.

It was interesting to see that drinking water was used for the sauna, but rainwater was collected in barrels around the island only for dish washing. The owners said that even though the summer cabin is in the outer Finnish Archipelago, about an hour away from the mainland, rainwater isn't ideal for sauna use. You'd inhale the steam from it, and it would get into your skin and hair.

Finland is known for its excellent drinking water, and it's also the home of the sauna and sauna culture. Our goal is to provide the best, purest, and most natural sauna water for those who want to get the most out of their sauna experience and enjoy the health benefits of sauna. We're redefining what it means to have the best sauna water.

Today, our 188K Saunawater can be shipped around the world.